Friday, December 11, 2009

A Quit Smoking Tip That Can Change Your Life

A Quit Smoking Tip That Can Change Your LifeDo you want to quit smoking? There is a very powerful quit smoking tip that can literally change your life – because it would ensure your 100% success. Do you want to know what this is? Read on and find out all about it.What You Need To Quit Smoking Once For AllI read once a quip that made me smile – ‘Who says quitting smoking is difficult? I have quit it five times and there is nothing to it.’ Yes, usually this is what happens. You think you left smoking for good and the habit is behind you. Then, you just smoke once with your friends – for the sake of old times – and that is it.In your mind, this is just a one-time-smoke bit; nothing to worry about. This would be like an occasional chocolate cake slice when you diet. However, in no time, you find yourself ‘treating’ yourself on a regular basis, and supposedly out of the blue you will back smoking regularly again. You need to know and keep in mind that getting back to smoking is extremely easy. You also need to know what you would encounter when you attempt to stop smoking. The withdrawal symptoms can be very unpleasant and painful. Are you ready to tackle this problem head on? Do you know what medication can help you with the withdrawal symptoms? Do you know how long it takes to get rid of the habit? You need to have nerves of steel and a high level of commitment to get yourself rid of this toxic habit.The Difference Between Success And Failure – A Great Quit Smoking TipWhen you decide to quit smoking, take another decision in your mind. Decide never to smoke a cigarette that is bought with your money, and never carry a pack on you. How this quit smoking tip helps you stay off cigarettes? Read on.1. The first part of the quit smoking tip – never buy your own cigarettes means that if you smoke you would need someone to offer you one. Most people do not like to share their cigarettes on a regular basis and if you are identified as one who is out for freebies, you would very soon be a loner. 2. The second part of the quit smoking tip – never carry a pack of cigarettes with you. This means that you cannot depend on having a cigarette when you need one – behavior change – and hence, you would outgrow the dependency on it over time.For more information visit:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Fast Food

Fast Food

Hamburgers and French fries could be as addictive as heroin, scientists have claimed. Researchers in the United States have found evidence to suggest people can become overly dependent on the sugar and fat in fast food. The controversial findings add weight to claims that over-eating is simply down to a lack of self-control. It may also explain soaring rates of obesity in the western world.

Dr John Hoebel and colleagues at Princeton University in New Jersey based their theory on a study of rats.
'Cold turkey'

They found that rats fed a diet containing 25% sugar are thrown into a state of anxiety when the sugar is removed. Their symptoms included chattering teeth and the shakes - similar to those seen in people withdrawing from nicotine or morphine, according to researchers. Dr Hoebel said he believed high-fat foods stimulate opioids or 'pleasure chemicals' in the brain. "The implication is that some animals - and by extension some people - can become overly dependent on sweet food," he said.

Further studies published in New Scientist magazine back up this theory.

Ann Kelley, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin Medical School, studied the behaviour of rats after the were given sweet, salty and fatty foods. She found a link between the brain's pleasure chemicals and a craving for this type of food. She stimulated the rats' brains with a synthetic version of the natural opioid enkephalin. This caused rats to eat up to six times their normal intake of fat. In addition, Dr Kelley identified long-lasting changes in rats' brain chemistry - similar to those caused by extended use of morphine or heroin. Dr Kelley said: "This says that mere exposure to pleasurable tasty foods is enough to change gene expression and that suggests that you could be addicted to food."

However, other experts expressed doubts over whether people can become addicted to food.

Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition lobby group in Washington DC, said there was a lack of evidence. "I think the burden is on advocates of the addiction argument to provide evidence of addiction," he said.

Dr Jeane Randolph, from the University of Toronto, dismissed the theory. She said fast food causes blood sugar to peak and then plunge, creating a natural desire for another snack. "It's a set-up for a late-afternoon binge rather than addiction," she said.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Health vs Medicine

A Classic Battle Between Good and Evil...

The biggest battle mankind faces on planet earth in the 21st century is the one between the forces of "Health," and the forces of "Medicine".
"Health" is winning. North American consumer spending habits clearly show that our society wants to be healthy, not medicated.
The forces of "Medicine," tout the dubious benefits of a drugged society. To them, everything is a new ailment, a new disease, a new disorder, one for which an expensive new drug is available - and which, in their minds, the population should be "required" to embrace. Look how easily our brighter children are being forced into a Ritalin world. Look how our seniors are convinced that they need to spend their life savings in the prescription line at the local pharmacy.
"Medicine" has failed North Americans, for medicine's goals are not our goals, their wants and needs are not our wants and needs, their solutions are not our solutions, and their motivation is not our motivation.
Hence the "Health" movement. Intelligent people look at the North American medical paradigm and say, "there's got to be a better way than this..."
And, of course, there is...
"Health" proponents promote the simple idea of determining what, exactly, is the "cause" of a person's poor health - and removing that cause. For example, if a person is suffering pain and general ill health, with depression, "Medicine" proponents who "diagnose and treat" would load him/her up with pain-killers, antibiotics, and anti-depressants - and a WHOPPING, never-ending, bill down at the pharmacy.. "Health" proponents would first examine the whole body to determine if there is a specific cause for this problem, find it, and solve the problem by returning the body to it's natural operating system.
It is a lot more profitable to continuously "medicate" than it is to simply restore "health."
Probably the biggest problems facing our society, in the new millennium, is our inability to deal with DISEASE. We, with our current "medicine" paradigm, are losing the battles - period. And, as our world population increases, so do our health problems.
When it comes to DISEASE, conventional "Medicine" has NOTHING to offer. The "War on Cancer" only benefits those involved in the money-receiving end of it. The war on AIDS is following the same path.
Yet, all around us we see successes against those problems - successes that are, most likely, the beginning of the answer to the problems. Unfortunately, we find out about those successes by reading the newspaper about how the successful "health" practitioner was "arrested, jailed, sued" on some pretext... In those cases, inevitably, the thousands of Americans who testify to the benefits of the program they used to restore their health are IGNORED.
Somehow, in our society, we've allowed the power structure WE OWN, and put in place, to act completely stupid over this issue. We've allowed them to use the guiding concept that "proven, or approved, by a bureaucracy" supersedes the reality of "results." That's definitely wrong - and it's time to correct that, right now.
"Medicine" has entwined itself into our regulatory bureaucratic structure. It has, for now, managed to convince certain employees of our agencies, that the "testing" rules we, as a society, impose on DANGEROus NEW DRUGS, should apply to natural products, and common-sense solutions to health issues..
What happens now, is that when some leading-edge health practitioner finds some natural product, or simple device, that really does affect cancer, or AIDS, or what-have-you, they GET STOPPED. And, when they get stopped, people, who now had a chance to live, or restore their health, DIE...
WHAT? They get stopped? What the hell is going on? Just when we're on the edge of an answer?
Enter, "The Quackbuster Conspiracy"...
North Americans are raised, primarily, to embrace the Judeo-Christian sense of right and wrong. Most of us are taught early what is GOOD, and what is not - what rules we are to live by...
Throughout history we've seen EVIL rear it's ugly head. Man's ruthlessness and cruelty to other men knows no limits. Examples abound in our pages of history. Every race has it's predators, and its victims.
In my opinion, the worst thing happening to humankind in our lifetime, is the activity of a small, but HEINOus group of people who call themselves "the quackbusters."
The suffering and death of tens of millions of humans is of no concern to them. They exist ONLY to stop advancement in health sciences that competes with the expensive, and nearly useless allopathic (MD) drug/surgery offering.
In some ways, the war between "Health" and "Medicine" is working itself out. Massive drug conglomerates are diversifying their product lines with "natural" products - seeing the change in society's needs. That "war" is not the problem I'm talking about, although the change is taking far too long....
The "war" I'm referring to, is the one being run by a delicensed MD (and some others) out of a basement in Allentown, Pa.
Doctor Julian Whitaker's views on the NCAHF written to the President of Loma Linda University are a good explanation of the problem. It is believed that Dr. Whittaker's letter, and the actions of the California Health Freedom Movement team, were responsible for the REMOVAL of the NCAHF from the Loma Linda University campus.
For years the NCAHF had used Loma Linda University's address in a manner designed to make it appear that the University endorsed their bizarre health positions.
GOOD is winning against EVIL in this battle, but is a never ending grind.

The Toxins In Our Drinking Water

The Toxins In Our Drinking Water

Water is the miracle elixir that can sustain us if we never drink anything else. The human body is composed of mostly water and it requires more water for nearly all of its functions. To digest and eliminate, the body requires water. Anything else doesn’t do what water can do. In fact most of the time people drink sodas, coffee, alcohol and these all cause dehydration in the body.

The Importance of Water

If you don't drink enough water, you can't properly flush your kidneys or liver, the colon can't properly move your bowels, and this allows your body to retain the unhealthy toxins it takes in. As the waste remains too long in your body, you give your body more time to reabsorb the toxins back into your bloodstream and thus circulate these harmful chemicals to every organ in your body. Water is required for digesting and expelling everything, including the alternative beverages you choose to drink.

Is Your Water Safe?

Some people actually do drink enough water. However, they may not be drinking the right water. Tap water is safe because the government is watching it, right? No. There are more than 80 "regulated" contaminants and more unregulated toxins, like the rocket fuel component perchlorate which are present in most tap water.
Some people feel safe because they drink bottled water. It's not that simple though. You still have to read the fine print. Deceptive labeling goes on even in the bottled water industry. If you're going to drink the bottled water, then you have to do the research. Review the label closely, and check out the manufacturer as well. Do your best to find out if they have satisfactory standards.

What's So Bad about Our Drinking Water?

Most water contains arsenic, fluoride, chlorine and a host of other unhealthy toxins. So when we drink it we are actually imbibing water that contains a mixture of toxic, poisonous chemicals that spells danger and at the very least overburdening work for our colons.


Arsenic is a very toxic heavy metal classified by the International Academy for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a Category I carcinogen, which means it is definitely a cancer causing agent. Arsenic occurs naturally in the environment but humans have a hand in its presence as well. The EPA set the acceptable standard for arsenic at 10 parts per billion in tap water. Several US states in the Midwest, New England and western area exceed this standard from time to time.


One of the most toxic substances we know of is fluoride and yet it is found in almost all brands of toothpaste. It's added even though there is no data to support its effectiveness in the fight against tooth decay. Today you can find fluoride in bottled water, and even baby formula. Tap water is actually fluoridated, meaning it's added to water deliberately, notwithstanding it's almost as poisonous as arsenic is, and more toxic than lead. This substance is so toxic until the fluoridation process has been banned in several countries. Even some U.S. cities have caught on and started rejecting the process of fluoridation since 1990.


Chlorine is added to water to kill certain bacteria. This chemical can be inhaled in gas form and absorbed through the skin and therefore presents a danger even if you're present in the room with it, to say nothing of drinking it. Once in the human body, it bonds with other compounds to form Trihalomethanes (THMs). These byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body and cause serious cell damage. In one research study, chlorine and chloramine was added to rats' water supply and as a result the rats developed tumors in the liver kidneys and intestines. Even after this study which shows some of the dangers possible, the government continues to provide chlorinated drinking water to the public.

- What Other Toxic Chemicals in Water Affect My Health?

What Other Toxic Chemicals in Water Affect My Health?: "What Other Toxic Chemicals in Water Affect My Health?
The Importance of Water

We all know that water is the magic elixir of life. Every living organism needs water in order to function properly. And, you don't need any other liquid to survive. After all, it's the liquid that makes up 70% of our body mass-pure water. Your body relies on water to digest food and to expel waste.

The amount of water is important: Dr. Group recommends that you drink eight 8-ounce glasses daily. And the quality of water you drink matters too. With all the toxic chemicals that can be present in public water supplies, as well as bottled water, it's best if you drink purified water.

Water contains many of the nutrients that make us health and keep us alive. Unfortunately, some chemicals in water are also dangerous. Most of these excess chemicals in water are 'runoffs', or leftover human materials.
Toxic Chemicals That Have Been Found in Water
While this compound has many positive traits, such as the ability to clean our teeth, is can also be quite toxic. It is used in the extremely toxic nerve agent sarin gas.1 Chlorine
Chlorine is a chemical element that is essential to human life. However, in anything other than trace amounts, it becomes a toxic gas that irritates the respiratory system.2

Monday, June 8, 2009

Diet Tips for Weight Watchers

Diet Tips for Weight Watchers

Do you want to lose weight and achieve the body you have always wanted? Do you want to start a diet that can help you shed off the excess pounds? If your answer to both questions is yes, then it is about time that you learn some basic yet effective diet tips that can help you lose weight and develop healthy eating habits.

Dieting and trying to lose weight does not mean that you have to start skipping meals or that you have to starve yourself. Dieting does not involve giving up food or not eating at all. It simply means making the right choices in the food that you eat. Remember, you can lose weight without starving yourself and without skipping meals. You can even have snacks aside from the usual meals you have during the day and still achieve a slim figure. Here are some pointers:

1. Do not starve yourself. However, do not stuff yourself either. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are satisfied. Avoid the habit of skipping meals. This can only make your longing and urge to eat comfort foods stronger. When you starve yourself, you end up feeling grouchy and frustrated so you dump the idea of dieting and take comfort in eating and stuffing yourself. After eating, that is when you start feeling guilty and so you start over and the cycle continues. The best way to go is to eat whenever you feel the hunger pangs coming.

2. Choose healthy and nutritious meals. For instance, if your lunch usually consists of fast food such as burgers and fries, that will have to go. Instead, eat something that is more healthy like a vegetable salad, wheat bread and chicken breast fillet served with some fresh lettuce and tomatoes or brown rice and stir fried veggies. Even if you are dieting, you can still enjoy nutritious and tasty meals. It is all about making the right choices in the food that you eat and working on portion control. Remember, there is no point in starving yourself. Eat nutritious meals and be happy. Eating healthy meals give you the same satisfaction and fullness that you can get from eating fatty and greasy fast foods or junk foods. So why not just make the right choice?

3. Practice portion control. Do not make it a habit to eat everything in sight. Being on a diet is all about having discipline. Tip number one allows you to eat. Tip number two tells you to dump the junk food habit and eat healthy and nutritious meals instead. Tip number three now teaches you to watch out your food portions. Do not fill up your entire plate with food in large portions. The best way to go is to get a small portion and take your time eating and enjoying it. You can always get another serving if you are still hungry. Learn to enjoy your food. Eating more does not make you more satisfied in the end. It is best to enjoy every bite and to savour the taste. This can help you appreciate eating just the right portion. As you get used to smaller portions, you will realize that you do not need to eat everything just to be satisfied.

Three Natural Diet Tips to Lose Weight Fast Without Added Exercise

Three Natural Diet Tips to Lose Weight Fast Without Added Exercise

It is common knowledge that the key to a natural, successful weight loss program always includes a healthy dietary regimen. Yes, exercise might make it faster for you to lose weight, but a good diet is essential for your weight management. It keeps you fit and gives you energy for your workout. The article is focused on three easy to follow diet tips that will help you live a healthy lifestyle.

The first tip may be shocking, disproving a lot of diet myths out there; Include fats in your diet, but only healthy fats. In every meal, have a serving of fat. Fat helps in muscle building and keeps your hormone levels high. You can get healthy fat from seeds, raw nuts, avocados, eggs and meats that come from grass fed animals (also a good source of conjugated linoleic acid). There is also a high level of healthy fats in virgin olive oil (olive oil contains the highest level of antioxidants) and coconut oil (this is a source of saturated fats in the form of triglycerides). Healthy fats from these foods burn bad fats in your body, giving you a lean muscle instead. Keeping a high level of healthy fat also helps you keep your appetite under control, which is the whole purpose of dieting if you think about it. Try this tip; eat a handful of raw nuts like almonds right before you take your meal. This will certainly reduce your appetite and give you quality protein, fibers and healthy fats. Add a nice big glass of water, and you’ll feel full before you even start eating

Second tip, eat tons of protein. Every meal and even snacks should contain a good amount of protein. You can get this from grass fed meats, grass fed dairies, plants, nuts and beans. Protein, like healthy fats, suppresses your appetite plus it controls your calorie intake. It will help you look fit and feel fit also because it also helps control your blood sugar and insulin levels. Proteins do this because it slows down the breakdown of carbohydrates in your body.

For the last tip, make sure you have enough sources of carbohydrates that come from fruits and vegetables. Do not look for carbohydrates in grain based starches and those products using refined sugar. The classifications of the carbohydrates you will get from these are not healthy and are the cause of weight gain in the first place. Carbohydrates found in fruits and vegetables have lots of fiber keeping your blood sugar under control. Eat the fruits as they are, fruit juices do not have the same effect because they already contain added sugar and the fibers of the fruits are removed in the process.

Remember these three essential natural diet tips and you are sure to be on your way to a healthier lifestyle. To recap, eat healthy fats in right the amounts. Include protein in every meal. Lastly, get enough sources of carbohydrates. Take in carbohydrates coming from fruits and vegetables rather than from grains such as cereal, bagels, bread and pasta. Enjoy your meals and have a happy diet.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Breakthrough System puts an end to Yo- Yo Dieting for Good

Dr. Suzanne has gone and done it again!

She gave you the revolutionary secrets to fat loss in her eBook “Top Secret Fat Loss Secret” which shook the very foundations of the food manufacturers and opened the eyes of millions just like YOU to help take your life back and your waistline.

Even though, she helped people lose over 56,562 lbs total and counting with her amazing secret, she noticed an unsettling trend.

She found that there was no problem for them losing the weight but, to her disheartenment they seemed to be struggling to keep it off!

We have ALL gone through this. It seems too familiar.


This viscous cycle of Yo- Yo Dieting has to end and end NOW!

As you know, Dr. Suzanne leaves no stone unturned when searching for the TRUTH!

After countless interviews with diet experts and people just like YOU who have struggled with the battle of bulge and have won she discovered that all of them did a very similar SIMPLE EASY to DO SYSTEM that kept the weight off !!!!

Instead of keeping this amazing discovery to herself Dr. Suzanne has created the
YoungSlimFit Program to give you all of the tools that they used to finally end their battle with the bulge!!

So if you are someone who is just flat out sick and tired of the endless Yo-Yo Dieting then do not hesitate any longer.

Go here to secure you life changing program!


I would not hesitate long because she gives you 50% OFF of the normal price just for ordering within 24-48hrs!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Juice Your Way to Acne-Free Skin

If you have acne, you must know how unsightly your skin looks. How uncomfortable and embarrassed must you feel! Perhaps, then, while looking for a great way to treat your acne blemishes, you must have encountered many medications and strategies that are somewhat traditional in nature. The use of certain juices and foods, accordingly, can treat acne almost magically, but don’t they cost too much?
Well, there are other juices you can use, other than the ones being advertised on television and on the World Wide Web. The juice of an apple, for instance, can clear your skin effectively. Eating two apples a day on a regular basis, not only improves your health condition, it makes your skin glow at the same time. Apples have cleansing properties and they have the ability to sweep off the bacteria that clog the pores up, and as you must be aware by now, these same bacteria that clog up the pores are the culprits that cause acne.
Another fruit that is said to be beneficial in treating acne is banana. Banana has high potassium content, and besides being a cure for acne is also a cure for a host of other diseases. Dehydration, for one, can be treated with banana. Banana is also rich in fiber, thus it helps you to manage your weight well.
Ugly acne scars are common with acne, but you can erase them with fruits, especially citrus fruits. The acid content of these fruits removes dead skin cells and gives your skin a lighter appearance. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area, but be careful not to get the juice into your eyes; then follow it up with water. Alternatively, you can also use the juice of a tomato. The juice of a carrot also works wonders to the skin. Loaded with all the important nutrients, carrots can actually make you glow with health!
For so many years, you must have heard the many benefits of fruits in the general well being of a person. Eating fruits, especially the rich juice ones, is essential for healthy skin and a cleaner body. You can detoxify your system just by eating the right kinds and the correct amounts of fruits everyday. Fruits keep your immune system strong, thus you are better able to ward off sickness. They also regulate your hormones, so there won’t be an imbalance of hormones which can cause acne.
Besides fruit juices, water is another thing you must drink a lot of if you want to treat acne effectively. Water washes away the toxins that accumulate in your body, thus keeping your system clean, and your skin radiantly beautiful! Eight to ten glasses a day are highly recommended for beautiful skin and good health.
You should protect yourself from getting stressed out because stress can trigger acne outbreaks. Identify what you consider as stressors and avoid them whenever you can. Stress can sometimes be healthy, but if you do not know how to cope with it, stress can cause your downfall. So be stress-free, and be acne-free.

How You Can Lose Inches Off Your Waist in Just a Matter of Weeks

Normally, losing off some inches off your waist will require a strict diet and intense exercises. To some, it appears like an agony. Having to strain yourself on powerful workouts and starving yourself up are things that are not so easy to do, especially when you have no time to exercise too much and you cannot take some diet programs.
However, there is one thing that you should know. You can attain a slimmer waist even without having to deprive yourself of food and making yourself toil on those workout routines.
How will you do that? Read below.
1. Sometimes, you work out so hard but still fail to lose some inches off your waist. Your frustrations are just becoming bigger and bigger as days go by. If this is the case, then, there might be imbalances in your hormones. Exercising, no matter how intense it is, will do nothing to balance your hormones and this is the reason why in spite of working out so hard, you don’t lose inches off your waist. If you are a victim of hormone imbalance, it is recommended that you eat foods which are rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables. You can add them in your daily diet to promote hormone balance. As much as possible, lessen your sugar and simple carbohydrates intake. They will cause your tummy to become bigger; thus, making your waist look bigger too.
2. Spin around like a child. This movement might be funny to some although recent studies show that this motion, when done regularly can help balance your hormones. Aside from that, it will also affect your endocrine system. Do it clockwise until you feel slightly dizzy. This will make you lose inches off your waist fast. You might just be counting a few weeks to see positive results.
3. Inhale and tighten up your tummy for 20 to 30 seconds. The longer you can hold it, the better. Release your tummy and then tighten it again. You can do this repeatedly. Such motion can make you lose 1.75 inches off your waist in just one month. If you can do it more regularly for longer seconds, the chance to lose 3 inches off your waist will not be far from you. This technique is proven effective by many and what’s amusing about it is that you can do it even when you have a very busy schedule. You can do it while taking care of your household chores such as cleaning, mopping, cooking, and baking; while working in the office, while buying groceries, while watching TV and so on. You can even do it while having a goodtime outside your home.
If you are done in reading this article, I am quite sure that you’re eager to see the results of what you will be doing. With the right attitude, these techniques will surely work on you and you will see pleasant changes on your waist after a few weeks.

How To Shape Up Your Butt Even When You Have to Sit on it and Have No Time

The butt is among the most common areas of the body that both men and women would like to shape up. Having firm and round butt is considered by both sexes as a great physical asset.
Do you have this feeling that your butt is becoming ugly-looking and you want to do something to bring it back its former nice shape? Of course, the first thing that will come into your mind is engaging yourself in an exercise program in order to shape and firm it up once again.
There are many butt-firming exercises that you might be interested in. However, if you are a very busy person and might not have enough time to exercise, there are some activities or movements that you can do everyday that will help in tightening up your sagging butt. These movements include:
You might have heard about this advice for many times but still, you are not doing it until now. Walking should be a part of your daily activities. If you can maintain this activity for at least 30 minutes a day, your butt will be firmer and your stamina will improve as well. Instead of driving your way to your local market, grocery, church, favorite cinema house and so on; if the distance is just short, you can walk your way to these establishments instead of riding a car or a cab.
This is a good alternative to walking. To make your pace faster means burning your fats faster. You can jog your way to a nearby establish where you wish to go to. You can also this every morning and if in case you want to incorporate romance to it, you can go jogging along with your darling. If you want to incorporate socializing to it, do it with your friends. You can invite them to jog with you whenever they have time. That way, you will not find this activity boring.
If you have to run some errands, why don’t you do it with your bicycle? Biking will help you shape up your butt and affect the other parts of your body as well. You will be able to accomplish your task faster and at the same time, you will keep yourself physically fit.
Taking the Stairs
If your home or office is located on a higher floor, why not take the stairs instead of using the lift? This might be a little bit difficult but very much advisable if you want to see a dramatic change on your butt area. You will achieve sexier butt faster; plus, you will have more energy in your body.
Butt Squeezing
If you are working in a place where you will have no choice but sit a lot, you can do the simple butt squeezing exercise from time to time. Just squeeze that muscle for 15 minutes or longer. Whenever you do that, push your heels against the floor so that you will be able to produce more force

Saturday, January 17, 2009

7 smart moves to increase metabolism and lose Weight

The Natural formula for Diet and Health: Increase metabolic rate, lose weight…

7 smart moves to increase metabolism.
There are no forms of dieting that will stop you from gaining weight, if that'

s all you concentrate on. Most are only fads and instead of giving you the

results you once anticipated and worked for, they leave you frustrated and

well, sometimes hopeless. Well, worry no more. Just think of your body as a

wood-burning stove and your metabolism is the fire. All you need to do is

increase the efficiency and you can build a hotter fire that keeps burning

and burning the fuel, your food intake. With that in mind, here are 7

effective guidelines towards a healthier, sexier you. Concentrate on these

tips and you will naturally lose weight and improve your health

1) Sleep well, live well. According to studies, people who just have 4 hours

of sleep at night have slower metabolism than those who have 8-hours of sleep.

Furthermore, those getting less sleep resort to overeating since they may

have to resort to sugary snacks or drinks for energy and also feel as though

eating would cover up the lack of sleep. You must have enough sleep for you

to feel revived after every "wake up". Then, start with a good breakfast

2) Sweat out a little in the evenings. There is recent research that tells us

that our metabolism tends to slow down during late in the afternoon or at the

end of the day. So, in order for you to burn more calories, it is smart to do

some evening walks and other exercises that would allow you to sweat it out

and burn more calories.

3) Do not be a slow drag- move more. As you move more, you burn more calories.

Instead of taking a ride to a near place, walking is a better choice. Park

your car further from the door at work or shopping and take the stairs

instead of the elevator. You must gradually make minor lifestyle changes.

These are just so minor so you will not have a hard time. It is as the fact

that these may be easy for you will not need hard work. This could be done in

a way like gardening instead of watching TV

4) Eat more proteins. Diet studies show that protein intake stabilizes the

amount of insulin in the bloodstream. It is highly-beneficial for you. A

protein-based snack in mid-morning and mid-afternoon can keep the metabolism

fire burning strong

5) Skipping meals is skipping life. A drastic change for your body is not

good. Never dwell on the idea that missing a meal would make your waistline

look well-carved. Always bear in mind comes from deep within. You will never

conceal the fact someday that you are living an unhealthy life. Whenever you

do a sudden stop in eating, your body would react to it in such a way that it

will slow down its metabolic rate.

6) Sweat out a bit for some exercise. Not all exercise directly results to in

better metabolism because not all of its forms are really applicable (

exercise that helps you build lean muscle mass always does though) but ALL

exercise leads to a better sleeping habit. And, sleeping increases metabolism.

7) Grow lean muscles.The smallest increase of strength through any variety of

weight-training can yield dramatic results having more amount of these lean

muscles means an increased metabolism. A few push-ups and squats daily are of

big help. Just bear in mind that it is not all about working out but

considering the metabolism of your body, start with the large muscle groups

and work from there.

These are the seven smart moves toward your objectives and your overall

Natural Diet and Health program. Never let go of the hope that you will have

a healthier, sexier, longer and better life and you will accomplish your


4 Easy Steps for Weight Loss Exercise

4 Easy Steps for Weight Loss Exercise

Many of us live our lives like fenced in animals. Built to move, too often we

put ourselves in a cage. We have bodies designed for racing across the

savannas, but we live a lifestyle designed for migrating from the bed to the

breakfast table; to the car seat; to the office chair; to the restaurant

booth; to the living room sofa and back to the bed.

It wasn't always this way. Not long ago in the United States of America, a

man who worked on a farm did the equivalent of 15 miles of jogging every day;

and his wife did the equivalent of 7 miles of jogging.

Today, our daily responsibilities of work and home keep us tied to our chairs,

and if we want exercise, we have to seek it out.
As a matter of fact, health experts insist that obesity problem is probably

caused at least as much by lack of physical activity as by eating too much.

Hence, it is important that people need to move around.

However, that does not mean that a lap or two around the old high school

track will offset a daily dose of donuts. Exercise alone is not very

efficient, experts say. They contend that if you just exercise and do not

change your diet, you may be able to prevent weight gain or even lose a few

pounds for a while.

Nevertheless, it is not something that you are likely to sustain unless

exercise is part of an overall program. The more regularly you exercise, the

easier it is to maintain your weight. Here is what to do day-after-day to be

sure that you get the exercise you need.

1. Get Quality Sleep.

Make sure that you get adequate sleep. Good sleep habits are conducive to

exercise, experts point out. If you feel exhausted during the day, you are

less likely to get much physical activity during the day.
Additionally, there is evidence that people who are tired tend to eat more,

using food as a substitute for the rest they need. Every one is different,

but try for that all-illusive eight hours a night

2. Walk the Walk.

It is probably the easiest exercise program of all. As a matter of fact, it

may be all you ever have to do, according to the professional advice of some

health experts.

Gradually build up to at least 30 minutes of brisk walking five times a week.

Brisk walks themselves have health and psychological benefits that are well

worth the while. This total of time does not even have to be all at once.

Gradually add it to your normal routine. Park your car further from the door

at work or shopping and you can add a lot. Five minutes taking the stairs

instead of the elevator could be equal to 10 minutes walking

3. Walk the Treadmill.

When the weather is bad, you might not feel like going outdoors. But if you

have a treadmill in the television room, you can catch up on your favorite

shows while you are doing your daily good turn for your weight-maintenance


Most of us watch television anyway, and indoor exercise equipment enables

anyone to turn a sedentary activity into a healthy walk. There is also

nothing wrong with walking or jogging in place- thereby eliminating the "

buying equipment" excuse

4. Seize the Time.

Excuses aside, lack of time is certainly a limiting factor in most lifestyles.

That is why health experts suggest a basic guideline for incorporating

exercise into your schedule. A little bit can go a long way, and when you

start with a little, it is very easy to add more time

Get as much exercise as you can that feels good without letting it interfere

with your work or family life. If you need to, remind yourself that you are

preventing many health problems when you prevent weight gain; and keeping

your health is a gift to your family as well as yourself.

5 Tips for Natural Weight Loss

Understanding Natural Weight Loss
Over the years, losing weight has been the dilemma of many people not just in

the United States but also around the world. In fact, there are now a lot of

diet system and weight loss medicines available. However, there have been so

many negative feedbacks about most of these diet systems and weight loss

medications. Some are not as effective as they claim to be while some even

have bad side effects. Hence, people are still seeking for the best solution.
The experts in weight loss and diet programs are continuously struggling to

give weight loss clients the best possible answer to their weight problems.

And the latest trend introduced is natural weight loss. So what is this

natural weight loss thing? Read on this article to know more about it.
Natural Weight Loss Explained
Since the procedures are natural, weight loss using this procedure is

considered healthy and will really make you feel satisfied. Unlike the fad

diets and “almost magic” diet programs and medications available today,

natural weight loss will teach you how to shed those extra pounds in a proper

manner. This weight loss means will tell you the opposite of what those

unreliable diet programs tell you; that you will lose weight if you are going

to religiously follow a long term but healthy weight loss plan.
Now, don’t you think it is much easier to believe to a weight loss procedure

which does not promise making you sexy and fit overnight? But, what can you

really do to lose weight naturally?
Here are some tips;
Know what to eat
t is important that you know whether a certain food on your menu can be a

potential harm to your weight loss scheme. Learn how to be critical on what

you eat. Avoid too much fried and salty foods.
Read about natural weight loss
there are lots of published, both online and prints, about natural weight

loss. It would help you so much to read on some of these articles. You can

read books or magazines with expert’s column about natural weight loss.

Online natural weight loss sites are also available on the net as your

Participate on online forums
yes, there are online communities and forums on the Internet where members

talk about natural weight loss, its benefits and the different resources

which you can find to shed that unwanted fat naturally.
Visit websites
there are different natural weight loss websites and you can visit any of

them like Natural Diet and, so you can get guides about losing weight.

You’d be able to get tips and information about natural weight loss programs

and pills on such sites.
Don’t believe in magic
when it comes to losing weight, there is no such thing as magic. Patience and

perseverance are what you need.
Really, there are lots of ways for you to be fit the natural way. You just

have to know the different resources that you have. And after some time, you

will feel the difference between the commercial diet solutions and the

natural way. It is because eventually, you will become perfectly fit while

staying healthy. Yes, healthy because you are not restricting yourself with

what you eat.
With natural weight loss, you don’t deprive yourself. You just learn what are

the right amount and the right time to eat them. And you know what? Permanent

fitness is the promise of losing weight naturally. That’s right; you don’t

have to worry about gaining weight again.