Friday, February 6, 2009

Juice Your Way to Acne-Free Skin

If you have acne, you must know how unsightly your skin looks. How uncomfortable and embarrassed must you feel! Perhaps, then, while looking for a great way to treat your acne blemishes, you must have encountered many medications and strategies that are somewhat traditional in nature. The use of certain juices and foods, accordingly, can treat acne almost magically, but don’t they cost too much?
Well, there are other juices you can use, other than the ones being advertised on television and on the World Wide Web. The juice of an apple, for instance, can clear your skin effectively. Eating two apples a day on a regular basis, not only improves your health condition, it makes your skin glow at the same time. Apples have cleansing properties and they have the ability to sweep off the bacteria that clog the pores up, and as you must be aware by now, these same bacteria that clog up the pores are the culprits that cause acne.
Another fruit that is said to be beneficial in treating acne is banana. Banana has high potassium content, and besides being a cure for acne is also a cure for a host of other diseases. Dehydration, for one, can be treated with banana. Banana is also rich in fiber, thus it helps you to manage your weight well.
Ugly acne scars are common with acne, but you can erase them with fruits, especially citrus fruits. The acid content of these fruits removes dead skin cells and gives your skin a lighter appearance. Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area, but be careful not to get the juice into your eyes; then follow it up with water. Alternatively, you can also use the juice of a tomato. The juice of a carrot also works wonders to the skin. Loaded with all the important nutrients, carrots can actually make you glow with health!
For so many years, you must have heard the many benefits of fruits in the general well being of a person. Eating fruits, especially the rich juice ones, is essential for healthy skin and a cleaner body. You can detoxify your system just by eating the right kinds and the correct amounts of fruits everyday. Fruits keep your immune system strong, thus you are better able to ward off sickness. They also regulate your hormones, so there won’t be an imbalance of hormones which can cause acne.
Besides fruit juices, water is another thing you must drink a lot of if you want to treat acne effectively. Water washes away the toxins that accumulate in your body, thus keeping your system clean, and your skin radiantly beautiful! Eight to ten glasses a day are highly recommended for beautiful skin and good health.
You should protect yourself from getting stressed out because stress can trigger acne outbreaks. Identify what you consider as stressors and avoid them whenever you can. Stress can sometimes be healthy, but if you do not know how to cope with it, stress can cause your downfall. So be stress-free, and be acne-free.

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