Friday, January 1, 2010

- What Toxic Chemicals & Heavy Metals Affect My Health?

What Toxic Chemicals AND Heavy Metals Affect My Health?

For your benefit and education, we have included the lists below covering the more common toxic heavy metals and chemicals.
Common Toxic Metals:

* Arsenic
* Aluminum
* Barium
* Beryllium
* Bismuth

* Cadmium
* Chromium Hexavalent
* Cobalt
* Copper
* Lead

* Mercury
* Nickel
* Tin
* Titanium
* Uranium

Common Toxic Chemicals:

* Antimony
* Asbestos
* Aspartame
* Acesulfame-K
* Acetone Peroxide
* Acrylamide
* Benzene
* Bisphenols
* Chlorine
* Dioxins
* Fluoride
* Formaldehyde
* HCA's
* Insecticides
* Isopropyl Alcohol

* Methyl alcohol
* Pesticides
* Persistent Organic Pollutants
* rBGH
* Nitrates
* Prescription Drugs
* Synthetic Vitamins
* Sodium Chloride
* Refined sugar
* High Fructose Corn Syrup
* Sucralose
* Saccharin
* VOC's
* Carbon Monoxide

* Chlorofluorocarbons
* Perchloroethelyne
* Propane
* Radon
* Toluene
* Phthalates
* Xylene
* n-hexane
* ethyl ketone
* Phenol
* Ammonia
* Sodium Hydroxide
* Carbaryl
* Dichlorophene
* Chlordane"

- Top 20 Reasons Why YOU Need A Chemical & Heavy Metal Cleanse

Top 20 Reasons Why You Need A Chemical & Heavy Metals Cleanse:

* 1 - One out of every ten women of childbearing age has dangerously high concentrations of mercury '…within one tenth of potentially hazardous levels' in their bloodstream.1
* 2 - Many people have developed colitis from chronic ingestion of mercury-containing laxatives.
* 3 - Industrial contaminants (such as dioxins, PCBs, and mercury), microbial contaminants (such as E. coli), and natural contaminants (such as aflatoxin) [can be found in foods].'2
* 4 - 'In 1994, 62% of all food samples tested by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Pesticide Data Program (PDP) had detectable levels of at least one pesticide.'3
* 5 - 'PDP data from 1994-96 … [stated 25] percent of the food samples tested had detectable levels of carcinogenic (cancer causing) pesticides, and 34%' possessed detectable levels of neurotoxic pesticides.4
* 6 - Some studies estimate 99% of the breastmilk in women residing in the United States contains measurable levels of DDT (Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane), the first modern toxic chemical pesticide.
* 7 - In the United States, eight times more antibiotics are used for the livestock industry than for human inoculation against disease.5
* 8 - In a study where pigs were fed large amounts of synthetic B vitamins, the pigs produced sterile offspring. Synthetic vitamins provide no nutritional value-they are poisonous!
* 9 - Chlorine, acetone peroxide, benzoyl peroxide, and nitrogen dioxide are the most common oxidizing agents used during white flour processing in the production of white bread.
* 10 - The Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutritional lobbying group, claims that sodium chloride (common table salt) could be '… the single deadliest ingredient in the food supply.'6
* 11 - MSG is a toxic substance and causes adverse reactions, brain lesions, endocrine disorders, and other negative health problems.'7
* 12 - 'The chemical, acrylamide, which is used industrially in the manufacturing of some plastics, is also apparently formed by the heating of starches. Foods with especially high levels of the chemical included French fries, potato chips and crackers.'8
* 13 - An alarming study published in the American Journal of Public Health estimates a 95% risk of developing cancer from regular consumption of chlorinated tap water!9
* 14 - After being inside the body for 20 minutes, Aspartame begins breaking down from its original compound into methanol, formaldehyde (a Class-A carcinogen used to embalm corpses) and formic acid (ant venom).
* 15 - Over 70% of the world's coffee supply is contaminated with toxic pesticides and chemicals. It's estimated that just one cup of coffee contains more than 2,000 chemicals, many of which are gastrointestinal irritants and cancer-causing agents. Also, the high heat used in roasting coffee beans causes the natural oils to turn rancid, further contributing to its chemical load.
* 16 - Playing and crawling on a typical floor exposes babies to contaminants such as dust mites, mold and mildew. Just one day of exposure introduces the equivalent of four cigarettes into an infant's lungs.10
* 17 - 'Every year, indoor air pollution is responsible for the death of 1.6 million people - that's one death every 20 seconds…due to pneumonia, chronic respiratory disease and lung cancer…'11
* 18 - The EPA lists over eighty 'regulated' contaminants found in tap water such as chlorine, fluoride, arsenic, and numerous pesticides. This figure doesn't even include unregulated toxins such as perchlorate (a chemical found in rocket fuel!).
* 19 - The National Resources Defense Council (NRDC) estimates '…as many as 56 million people in the 25 states reviewed by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency … have been drinking water with unsafe levels of arsenic...'! 12 Arsenic is the number 1 cancer causing agent!
* 20 - Bottled water, infant formulas, toothpaste, mouthwash and even vitamin supplements, now contain fluoride! Fluorides are more toxic than lead and only slightly less poisonous than arsenic.


1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 'Blood and Hair Mercury Levels in Young Children and Women of Childbearing Age - United States, 1999.' Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Vol. 50, Issue 8. (140-3). Pub. 2 March 2001. Online. Accessed 17 Aug 2007. Available:

2 United States Environmental Protection Agency. 'America's Children and the Environment: A First View of Available Measures.' Document # EPA 240-R-00-006. Pub. Dec 2000. Pp. (32-3). Online. Accessed 30 July 2007. Available as PDF:$file/ACE-Report.pdf

3 United States Environmental Protection Agency. 'America's Children and the Environment: A First View of Available Measures.' Document # EPA 240-R-00-006. Pub. Dec 2000. Pp. (32-3). Online. Accessed 30 July 2007. Available as PDF:$file/ACE-Report.pdf

4 United States Environmental Protection Agency. 'America's Children and the Environment: A First View of Available Measures.' Document # EPA 240-R-00-006. Pub. Dec 2000. Pp. (32-3). Online. Accessed 30 July 2007. Available as PDF:$file/ACE-Report.pdf

5 Epstien, S. 'Potential public health hazards of biosynthetic milk hormones.' International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation. Vol. 20, Issue 1. (73-84). Online. Accessed 8 Nov 2007. Available: (PMID=2407676)

6 Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D. 'Press Conference on Salt: the Forgotten Killer.' Pub. 24 Feb 2005. Online. Accessed 6 Aug 2007. Available as PDF:

7 'Where is MSG hidden?' Online. Accessed 7 Aug 2007. Available:

8 Kaufman, Marc. 'WHO to Talk About Food Carcinogen Finding.' The Washington Post. Pub. 27 Apr 2002. Online. Accessed 7 Aug 2007. Available: (Contact Washington Post Archives).

9 Morris, R., Audet, A., Angelillo, I., Chalmers, T. and F. Mosteller. 'Chlorination, Chlorination By-products, and Cancer: A Meta-analysis.' American Journal of Public Health. Pub. July 1992. Vol. 82, Issue 7. Online. Accessed 14 Aug 2007. Available as PDF:

10 World Health Organization. 'Indoor air pollution and health.' Online. Accessed 10 Aug 2007. Available:

11 World Health Organization. 'Indoor air pollution and health.' Online. Accessed 10 Aug 2007. Available:

12 Natural Resources Defense Council. 'Arsenic in Drinking Water.' Online. Accessed 14 Aug 2007. Available:"

- 6-Day Advanced Oxygen Colon Cleanse Success Stories

"6-Day Advanced Oxygen Colon Cleanse Success Stories

Every day, we receive feedback from our customers about the life changing experiences they've had while doing the 6-Day Advanced Oxygen Colon Cleanse with Oxy-Powder®.
'This Product is the Best You Can Buy!'

Everyone needs to know that this product is the best you can buy. At first, I was skeptical about spending money on anything that claimed to be so effective. I was wrong. I have just ordered my second bottle because Oxy-Powder® has made me feel so much better. I'd been eating junk food my whole life and it finally caught up with me. I had a miserable time on vacation because I was so constipated; now when I look at pictures of it I look totally bloated! Even if you don't think you're constipated it's my advice to you to order anyway, because you might be surprised, and it can't hurt to clean out your system once in awhile. After I used Oxy-Powder® I wondered how anyone could think of using nasty enemas or laxatives when this product is available.

-- Kay, Massachusetts
'Thank You! I Will Use It Forever!'

I have had IBS since I was around 8 years old. I have tried everything. I am 32 years old, and I finally have relief. No more pain, bloating, my headaches are gone, my skin is completely cleared up. I feel so much better. I did the 7 day cleanse, I weighed 114 pounds, now I weigh 110 pounds, which is perfect for me. I have been on the maintenance dosage of 5 pills every other night, but that is too much for me, tomorrow I will try 2 pills every other night, I am sure that will be fine. This product is great! Thank You! I will use it forever!

-- Gina D., Campbell, California
'Easy, Painless, and Quick!'

I ordered Oxy-Powder® awhile back and just started using it. It is amazing. I've been dealing with constipation, bloating, and just generally feeling yucky for years. I have taken laxatives before that left me doubled over in pain and unable to go anywhere. Oxy-Powder® was the exact opposite. Easy, effective, and quick. I really feel cleansed, and I have had no cramping or discomfort. I wasn't running to the bathroom constantly; the results were very predictable and left me feeling great for the rest of the day. It's amazing how energized you feel when all the junk has been flushed out of your system. Thank you for a great product.

-- Amanda R.
'Immediately Relieved My Constipation!'

I started using Oxy-Powder® after reading about it on curezone. I have had constipation and digestive problems my entire life (I am 35). I have taken herbs that helped, but they did not get to the root of the problem. So I started taking Oxy-Powder®, 10 each night before bed, and added milled flaxseed to my meals for extra fiber. It immediately relieved my constipation! After about 7 days I decided to try my super green food supplement. Unlike in the past when I was unable to absorb the nutrients.

This time I could really feel my small intestines absorbing the green food supplement. It was awesome. So my husband decided to try it. He has had IBS for years. After the first 3 days of cleansing, he has no gas or bloating whatsoever. I have encouraged many friends to try this stuff. It is great, it gets to the real problem rather than the usual laxative. Also, I did try another brand before I bought Oxy-Powder®. It was nowhere near as good of a product. Brand matters.

-- Katie R., Indianapolis, Indiana
'My Bowel Habits are Back to Normal!'

I just wanted to let you know how glad I am I found your website and your product. I have been taking your product now for almost 2 months. Before I started taking it I was about to have surgery again for abdominal and bowel adhesions and pain. I was only having bowel movements maybe once every two weeks. I was in constant pain and miserable. Since taking the product, my bowel habits are back to normal and no more pain. I have lost 10 pounds, my belly is flatter than it has ever been and I have so much energy. Your product is amazing!!!!!

-- Stacey, Bradenton, FL."