Saturday, April 13, 2013

Get Six Pack Abs Now

How To Get A Six Pack
A toned, washboard stomach is something that is highly sought after by men and women alike but of course it does not come naturally. Many people do not have the time or the money to commit to going to the gym but that does not mean that you cannot have an enviable stomach. It can easily be achieved in the privacy of your own home without spending a fortune on equipment and it does not have to take up all of your time.
Lose the excess fat and eat well!
First things first, you need to target the areas of fat by doing some cardiovascular exercise. It does not matter how much you exercise if there is a layer of fat over your abdominals, your six pack will be unnoticeable. Examples of this would be; Running, jogging or cycling. Anything that gets your heart and blood pumping is good to not only lose weight but to stay healthy. It is important not to skip breakfast as what usually happens is you will end up eating a massive lunch due to not eating anything for hours on end which of course is guaranteed to make you pile on the pounds. You should try not to skip lunch either as again, you will end up eating a larger dinner and most people are usually not very active after dinner which will lead to weight gain.  3 sensible well balanced meals a day and if you must snack between meals, make them low fat ones.
Drink water
Make sure you keep your fluid intake up as quite often, thirst is mistaken for hunger. So when we feel hungry we are actually thirsty. Keeping our fluid levels up not only suppresses appetite so that we eat less which is good for weight control, it ensures optimum digestion, removes waste products from the body, helps to keep our skin glowing and complexion healthy and encourages our kidney to function properly which increases the efficiency of our liver’s fat burning capacities.
Build muscle
You do not need to shell out on expensive equipment to build muscle. Exercises you can do at home include, sit ups, crunches, leg lifts and using a stability ball that supports your back and body so that you can effectively perform these exercises without strain. You should carry out these exercises at least three times a week. If you do have some money to spend you can buy some dumbbells very affordably, the more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn. Lifting weights and doing some kind of resistance training is important to make sure you do not loss too much muscle mass while you are reducing your calorie intake. You need to try to do an even amount of cardiovascular and resistance training otherwise if you concentrate on sorely cardiovascular activities you may lose the muscle mass that you develop in your abs.

How to naturally enhance testosterone

How to naturally enhance testosterone
Dietary tips to improve male hormone secretion & production

What is testosterone?
Testosterone is the basic male or sex hormone in men produced by the testes that performs and maintains various body functions e.g. muscle mass and strength. It encourages the development of male sexual characteristics (penis growth, muscle development and Masculine features), fat distribution; bone mass, sperm production, sex drive, and potency. For these characteristic functions, testosterone is also known as "Male Hormone". Testosterone is also the most potent of the naturally occurring androgens. The androgens in general also cause the development of male sex characteristics, such as a deep voice and a beard; they also strengthen muscle tone and bone mass.

Production and release of testosterone
Testosterone is produced by the testes from the onset of puberty throughout adulthood under the influence of Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH). Sex hormones are manufactured from cholesterol which is converted to Pregnenolone by the ACTH. High levels of ACTH therefore stimulate greater manufacture of testosterone from cholesterol. Testosterone is indeed produced in large quantities in the testes, and androgens (the parent hormones that give rise to testosterone) are actually produced by two small glands next to the kidneys, the adrenals, in both men and women.
Testosterone is produced in both men and women however adult males produce significantly more than females. On an average, men have 10 times greater level of testosterone than women as the adult male body manufactures 2.5 - 11 mg per day while females only produce 0.25 mg through ovaries. This discrepancy causes many of the biological differences between the sexes including the penis growth and enlargement.

Significance of testosterone
Testosterone is so important because it plays many crucial roles in our bodies throughout our lives and even before we're born. For example, testosterone helps to determine the gender of the fetus in the womb. Testosterone leads to the development of the male genitals (the penis and testicles) in the womb and at puberty helps all of the male characteristics to develop - like deeper voice, increased muscle mass, body and facial hair etc. Testosterone also continues to be important during all stages of a man's life. In fact testosterone could be thought of as being central to a man's mind, body and sexual function.

Can you enhance your testosterone levels naturally?
As mentioned earlier, testosterone levels can have a direct impact on your health, especially your sexual health (including that of the penis) and the quality of your life. Testosterone increases will enhance your sex drive and muscle size. Here are some nutritional and dietary recommendations to raise your testosterone levels:
Lose fat: If you are too fat, then your testosterone level will be naturally low. Therefore, shed those extra pounds.

Have more sex: Sex triggers your body to produce more testosterone. When you get aroused you are signaling your sex organs to perform so they start taking action to follow that order. This is great news. Inform your partner/s to step up the action. The hotter that better.

Gain more muscle: Bodybuilders use compound exercises, exercises that use more than one muscle group, to accelerate muscle building. Free weights and squats increase this process.

Proper rest: Increasing your workout will fatigue you so you need to counter that with adequate sleep and power naps.

Monounsaturated fat: Research has found that men who ate diets rich in monounsaturated fat, the kind found in peanuts, avocados, fish and healthy oils like flax seed, olive and canola are a great way to naturally boost testosterone levels. Try not to eat too much fat but remember that the fat in any kind of nuts will push up your testosterone level.

Alcohol addiction: Research indicates that excessiveness of the alcohol use lowers testosterone levels.
5-6 smaller meals per day: The best way to fuel your body throughout the day is not the normal “3 Squares” but smaller meals with a good balance of low fat protein and complex carbs.

Specific foods to naturally increase testosterone levels
Cruciferous vegetables: Increase your dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts have all been shown to dramatically reduce estrogen levels, thereby raising testosterone.
Oysters: Because of their high zinc levels, foods known to raise testosterone levels often are called aphrodisiacs. Oysters are one such food. The high zinc levels in foods like oysters help increase both testosterone and sperm production.
Avocados: Avocados are high in both vitamin B6 and folic acid. Vitamin B6 will increase male hormone production while folic acid is key in sustaining a high metabolic rate.

Eggs: Eggs are high in both vitamin B5 and B6. The presence of these vitamins helps balance both stress and hormone levels in the body. The helps ensure testosterone stays at a constant level.

Red meats and poultry: Red meats and poultry are rich in zinc, a strong testosterone promoter. Red meats like beef, mutton, and lamb along with chicken, goose and turkey provide the needed zinc and saturated fats that have been found to raise testosterone levels.

What if testosterone levels are high?
High levels of testosterone appear to promote good health (especially sexual health) in men. In addition, when the testosterone levels are high, a person is able to live his life to the fullest since he has a lot of energy. Men with high levels of testosterone are able to enjoy sex even more. If you are a bodybuilder with high levels of testosterone, your body will be able to achieve fast mass gain by just eating the right food and a proper training. These hormones are able to put you on a better state of mind.

Shaping for a "Yoga Butt"

How To Shape Up Your Butt Even When You Have to Sit on it and Have No Time 

The butt is among the most common areas of the body that both men and women would like to shape up. Having firm and round butt is considered by both sexes as a great physical asset. Do you have this feeling that your butt is becoming ugly-looking and you want to do something to bring it back its former nice shape? Of course, the first thing that will come into your mind is engaging yourself in an exercise program in order to shape and firm it up once again. 
There are many butt-firming exercises that you might be interested in. However, if you are a very busy person and might not have enough time to exercise, there are some activities or movements that you can do everyday that will help in tightening up your sagging butt. These movements include: 
You might have heard about this advice for many times but still, you are not doing it until now. Walking should be a part of your daily activities. If you can maintain this activity for at least 30 minutes a day, your butt will be firmer and your stamina will improve as well. Instead of driving your way to your local market, grocery, church, favorite cinema house and so on; if the distance is just short, you can walk your way to these establishments instead of riding a car or a cab. Jogging This is a good alternative to walking. To make your pace faster means burning your fats faster. You can jog your way to a nearby establish where you wish to go to. You can also this every morning and if in case you want to incorporate romance to it, you can go jogging along with your darling. If you want to incorporate socializing to it, do it with your friends. You can invite them to jog with you whenever they have time. That way, you will not find this activity boring. 
If you have to run some errands, why don’t you do it with your bicycle? Biking will help you shape up your butt and affect the other parts of your body as well. You will be able to accomplish your task faster and at the same time, you will keep yourself physically fit. 
Taking the Stairs 
If your home or office is located on a higher floor, why not take the stairs instead of using the lift? This might be a little bit difficult but very much advisable if you want to see a dramatic change on your butt area. You will achieve sexier butt faster; plus, you will have more energy in your body. 
Butt Squeezing 
If you are working in a place where you will have no choice but sit a lot, you can do the simple butt squeezing exercise from time to time. Just squeeze that muscle for 15 minutes or longer. Whenever you do that, push your heels against the floor so that you will be able to produce more force

3 Ways Yoga Will Make You Look Hot....

1. The "yoga butt" is for real

Ever heard of the "yoga butt"? No, I'm not making that up. Yoga practitioners are so famous for having great butts that they even invented a term for it.
I firmly believe that if you want to look better, you have to actually change your SHAPE. Losing weight won't do it. It's the form of the muscle under your skin that gives you your "look."
And good yoga is a fantastic way to redesign your body and shape your muscles. After all, yoga is a systematic approach to bodyweight resistance training. You have to actively control the weight of your body in space during a yoga session — and that tones and shapes your muscles.
The most important body parts to develop when you're redesigning your body are the butt, hips, shoulders and core. By carefully reshaping these areas, you'll get closer to the "golden ratio" that gives you a universal visual appeal that's hardwired into our human psyche.
The weight bearing poses of yoga are the perfect way to work on those key body parts.
Click here for the other two ways..............Yoga Fitness