Superfoods for your Brain
Superfoods for your Brain
all had days when we didn’t feel like we were ‘on our game.’ And as we
age, both our bodies and our brains grow old as well. By making smart food choices though, we can preserve our precious gray matter longer and improve brain function. Here are some brainy choices for keeping our noggins in tip-top shape.
Blueberries have been shown to shield the brain from stress, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Research has also shown that diets rich in blueberries significantly improved both the learning capacity and motor skills.
though considered a ‘fatty fruit,’ contribute to healthy blood flow and
decreased blood pressure, lessening the chances of developing
hypertension, which can lead to a stroke.
Deep-water fish, such as salmon is a wise, freshwater fish choice. It’s abundant in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are essential for healthy brain function.
and seeds are good sources of vitamin E, an important vitamin needed by
your brain to stave off declining cognitive functions. Cashews,
peanuts, walnuts, sunflower and sesame seeds and almonds are all great
Whole-grain breads, brown rice, and oatmeal also contribute to a healthy brain by reducing the risk for cardiac disease. By
promoting a healthy heart and improved blood flow, the brain is sure to
thrive via excellent oxygen and nutrient delivery through the
bloodstream. Complex
carbohydrates also supply the brain with a steady stream of glucose
that enhances brain function. It's important to avoid simple
carbohydrates often found in junk food because the glucose gives the
brain a short-lived sugar high, often followed by a crash that makes you
feel hungry and tired.
brewed tea also has potent antioxidants, especially the class known as
catechines, which also promotes healthy blood flow. Since black teas do
contain caffeine it’s important to use it sensibly.
chocolate has powerful antioxidant properties, contains several natural
stimulants, which enhance focus and concentration, and encourages the
production of endorphins, which helps improve mood. Again, moderation is
the key.